The Rivers Call, which is Chuck LeMonds’ 9th album, was recorded in Austria at his home in the styrian countryside. It is an international production with contributions from renowned musicians from the US, Holland and Austria, Belarus, and Venezuela.
Produced, recorded & mixed by Chuck LeMonds
Peter Herbert/ upright bassist (Paul Simon,Art Farmer, Woody Shaw and many others)(Austria)
Mary Gaines & Chris Wagoner/ vocals (Carrie Newcomer, Freedy Johnston) (Madison, Wisconsin)
Arkadiy Yushin/ e-guitar (Peter Ostroushko,Willy Murphy, Ruth Mckenzie) (Belarus, Chicago, USA)
Bart De Win/ Wurlitzer organ ( Matthews Southern Comfort,Walt Wilkins)( Netherlands)
Gottfried Grfrerer/ National guitar (Woody Mann, Bob Brozman,Hans Theesink)(Austria)
Reinhardt Winkler/ drums ( Wolfgang Pushnig, Rebekka Bakken, Steve Swallow)(Austria)
Ismael Barrios/ percussion (Venezuela)
Klaus Ambrosch/ e-guitar (Austria)
Chuck LeMonds’ life and legacy as a musician is not one shaped by music lawyers in LA or Nashville, or even the hard to define ghost of a “music business”! They were never in town when he was passing through. The music and recordings he has produced over the past 30 years can not be easily measured by the music industry’s high level of standards and perfection, for it is exactly that, the many imperfections in Chuck LeMonds’ music that make it authentic and real, and above all, music that resonates the heart strings, and at the same time, engages the critical minds of his listeners.