Chuck LeMonds’ life and legacy as a musician is not one shaped by music lawyers in LA or Nashville, or even the hard to define ghost of a “music business”! They were never in town when he was passing through. The music and recordings he has produced over the past 30 years can not be easily measured by the music industry’s high level of standards and perfection, for it is exactly that, the many imperfections in Chuck LeMonds’ music that make it authentic and real, and above all, music that resonates the heart strings, and at the same time, engages the critical minds of his listeners.
Chuck has taken from the vast wealth of American musical styles creating a roots fusion of folk, blues, country and modern groove. His songs reflect a keen interest in the current political happenings, as well as, a well read literary foundation, showing references from around the globe.
He released his 9th recording “The Rivers Call” in October 2013, recorded in Austria and the USA, and is receiving airplay on radio programs throughout the USA, Australia, and in the Netherlands.
Chuck plays with the exceptional electric guitar player Klaus Ambrosch who is considered part of the crème de la crème in the Austrian music scene. Chuck and Klaus have been playing together now since 1998, after meeting by chance at a small lake out in the country near Klaus’ home. A week later they did their first gig together, and since have toured in the US, Germany, Hungary, UK, and naturally Austria.
Press in the UK:
“The dictionary definition of sublime (which I’m sure you could look up but I will save you the trouble here) is: “inspiring deep veneration, awe, or uplifting emotion because of its beauty, nobility, grandeur, or immensity”. And there you have – this record in a nutshell.”
Paul Villers – Americana UK
Chuck LeMonds has toured extensively throughout the USA and Europe and performed/recorded with national and internationally recognized artists.
Chuck has had the great honor and pleasure to work with, perform and or record with musicians worldwide who have devoted their entire lives to their art form. To name just a few: from Wisconsin, Grammy nominated flutist Peter Phippen, blues guitarist and national treasure Howard “guitar” Luedtke, violinist Randy Sabien, James Brown’s funky drummer Clyde Stubblefield, guitarist Willy Porter, recording artist and guitarist Chris Silver, singer-songwriter Liz Myer, from Belarus guitarist and composer Arkadiy Yushin, singer Jim Post, and from Austria: drummer Alex Deutsch, bassist Peter Herbert, the legendary Ripoff Raskolnikov, guitarist and songwriter Gottfried Gfrerer, violinist Bernie Mallinger, drummer Reinhard Winkler, and songwriter Georg Altziebler.